
Are you worried about Servers Manageability, Downtime, and Migrations?
Go Virtually! Save Time! High ROI!Save Money!

Our Expertise on;

Our certified Solution Architects are ready to assist you with every phase of choosing and leveraging the right solution for your IT environment. Our approach includes:

• An initial discovery session to understand your goals, requirements, and budget
• An assessment review of your existing environment and definition of project requirements
• Detailed vendor evaluations, recommendations, future design and proof of concept
• Procurement, configuration, and deployment of the final solution
• Ongoing product lifecycle support

Consolidate Hardware with Desktop and Server Virtualization

By consolidating your server hardware, Operations Management, your organization can increase existing hardware utilization from as low as 5 percent to as much as 80 percent. You can also reduce energy consumption by decreasing the number of servers in your data center. Server virtualization can reduce hardware requirements by a 15:1 ratio, enabling you to lessen the environmental impact of your organization's IT without sacrificing reliability or service levels. Server and desktop hardware consolidation can also help you achieve a 20 to 30 percent lower cost per application, as well as defer data center construction costs.

Centralize Management of Your Virtual Infrastructure

Manage virtual machines from a central location and monitor the performance of all your virtual machines and their hosts.
Automate the Virtual Infrastructure A virtual infrastructure can deliver performance, scalability and availability levels that are impossible with a physical infrastructure.

Top 3 Reasons Why Server Virtualization is the Right IT Investment in a Tough Economic Environment

Server Virtualization provides tangible CapEx and OpEx cost savings. In this tough economy, with declining IT budgets, the Top 3 Reasons to adopt Server Virtualization software:

1) Physical Infrastructure Cost Reduction:

With virtualization, you can reduce the number of servers and related IT hardware in the datacenter. This leads to reductions in real estate, power and cooling requirements, resulting in significantly lower IT costs. Server Virtualization solutions makes it possible to achieve significantly higher resource utilization by pooling common infrastructure resources and breaking the legacy "one application to one server" model.

2) Datacenter Operating Cost Reduction:

Virtualization offers a new way of managing and automating your IT infrastructure and can help IT administrators spend less time on repetitive tasks such as provisioning, configuration, monitoring and maintenance. Server Virtualization improves your organization's operational efficiency --- increasing flexibility & responsiveness

3) Downtime and Risk Reduction:

Eliminate planned downtime and recover quickly from unplanned outages with the ability to securely backup and migrate entire virtual environments with no interruption in service. Server Virtualization increases your Application Availability & improves Business Continuity.

Reduce Server Spend Through Consolidation

1) Traditionally, organizations have run a single operating system (OS) and application on each server, leading to the server sprawl issues

2) Server Virtualization allows you to encapsulate each OS and application into a software file called a virtual machine (VM). Each virtual machine is completely hardware independent and can be treated just like a file. It can be moved around between servers, copied, or run simultaneously on the same server as other virtual machines.

3) Many Server Virtualization customers run 8, 10, or more virtual machines for every physical server. This dramatically reduces the number of servers required to support an identical set of workloads, leading to significant savings, as you'll see in the following slides…

Ensuring Business Continuity

1) Avoid extra costs and minimize potential lost revenue from business downtime, outages and failures. Any unplanned downtime adversely affects your bottom line and your corporate perception, business relationships, and future viability.

• Avoid lost business due to datacenter outage
• Save time by automating testing and quick/ reliable restore
• Reduce setup, deploy and support costs for DR server and site
• Reduce risks by proactively moving applications away from failing or underperforming servers