Networking & Security Solutions n
Business Runs on Networking..

Switches and routers are the building blocks for all business communications, from data to voice and video to wireless access. They can improve profitability by enabling your company to increase productivity, trim business expenses, and improve security and customer service

Most business networks today use switches to connect computers, printers and servers within a building or campus. A switch serves as a controller, enabling networked devices to talk to each other efficiently. Through information sharing and resource allocation, switches save businesses money and increase employee productivity.

Solutions we deal;
Firewall/VPN , Work smarter, anywhere

Protect Your Network
Control the Internet users in your Organization
Increase the Productivity by working anywhere with VPN.

The firewall is an integral part of any security program of a Network. While antivirus software helps to protect thefile system against unwanted programs, a firewall helps to keepattackers or external threats from getting access to your system in thefirst place.

Firewalls allow network administrators to offer access to specific types of Internet services to selected LAN users. This selectivity is an essential part of any information management program, and involves not only protecting private information assets, but also knowing who has access to what. Privileges can be granted according to job description and need rather than on an all-or-nothing basis.

The most important thing you need to know about a VPN: It secures your computer's internet connection to guarantee that all of the data you're sending and receiving is encrypted and secured from prying eyes.

Solutions we deal;
Go Wireless/BYOD

Every minute counts in a small company and wireless networks are a powerful tool for boosting productivity and encouraging information sharing. With untethered access to documents, emails, applications and other network resources, employees can roam where they need to and have constant access to the tools required to do their jobs. Here are some of the ways businesses are taking advantage of wireless LANs

• Connect hard-to-reach areas
• Improve your processes
Wireless LANs allow a business to bring network access to areas that would be difficult to connect to a wired network. For example, adding wireless access points to a warehouse can make it easier to check and manage inventory, providing the company with accurate inventory figures in real time.

Better access to information

• Connect hard-to-reach areas
• Improve your processes
Wireless LANs allow a business to bring network access to areas that would be difficult to connect to a wired network. For example, adding wireless access points to a warehouse can make it easier to check and manage inventory, providing the company with accurate inventory figures in real time.

Easier network expansion

• Add users quickly
• Grow your network cost-effectively
Companies that need to add employees or reconfigure offices frequently will immediately benefit from the flexibility wireless LANs provide. Desks can be moved and new employees can be added to the network without the effort and cost required to run cables and wires.

Enhanced guest access

• Give secure network access to customers and business partners
• Offer a value-added service
A wireless network allows your business to provide secure wireless access to the Internet for guests such as customers or business partners. Retailers, restaurants, hotels and other public-facing businesses can provide this as a unique value-added service.

Solutions we deal;